
विद्वत्त्वं च नृपत्वं च नैव तुल्यं कदाचन ।
स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते ॥
vidvata.n cha nRRipata.n cha naiva tulya.n kadaachana
svadeshe puujyate raajaa vidvaan sarvatra puujyate
Scholar and king are never comparable. King is worshipped in his country, but scholar is worshipped everywhere.
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पाण्डिते च गुणाः सर्वे मूर्खे दोषा हि केवलम् ।
तस्मान्मूर्खसहस्रेषु प्राज्ञा एको विशिष्यते ॥
paaNDite cha guNaaH sarve muurkhe doShaa hi kevalam
tasmaanmuurkhasahasreShu praadnyaa eko vishiShyate
Noble people have all good qualities and fools have only bad qualities. So, people respect only one noble person instead of a thousand fools.
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मातृवत्परदारेषु परद्रवेषु लोष्ट्रवत् ।
आत्मवत्सर्वभूतेषु यः पश्यति सः पण्डितः ॥
maatRRivatparadaareShu paradraveShu loShtravat
aatmavatsarvabhuuteShu yaH pashyati saH paNDitaH
He who looks at other's wife as mother, treats others' wealth as stone, and treats everyone as himself, is really noble.
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चला लक्ष्मीश्चला: प्राणाश्चलं जीवित-यौवनम् ।
चलाचले च संसारे धर्म एको हि निश्चलः ॥
chalaa lakshmiishchalaaH praaNaashchala.n jiivita-yauvanam
chalaachale cha sa.nsaare dharma eko hi nishchalaH
Wealth comes and goes, life and youth goes from the living, in this world of coming and going, 'dharma' alone is firm.
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वरमेको गुणी पुत्रो न च मूर्खशतान्यपि ।
एकश्चन्द्रस्तमो हन्ति न च तारगणोऽपिच ॥
varameko guNii putro na cha muurkhashaataanyapi
ekashchandrastamo hanti na cha taaragaNo.apicha
One good and noble son is better than a hundred fool sons. Only one moon lights the sky, where as thousand stars do not. Similarly one noble son brings fame and respect to family than hundred fools.
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दूरतः शोभते मूर्खो लम्बशाटपटावृतः ।
तावच्च शोभते मूर्खो यावत्किञ्चिन्न भाषते ॥
duurataH shobhate muurkho lambashaaTapaTaavRRitaH
taavachcha shobhate muurkho yaavatkiJNchinna bhaaShate
Wearing expensive dresses a fool looks like a scholar from a distance. But, when he opens his mouth his ignorance comes out.
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उत्सवे व्यसने चैव दुर्भिक्षे राष्ट्रविप्लवे ।
राजद्वारे श्मशाने च यतिष्ठति स वान्धवः ॥
utsave vyasane chaiva durbhikshe raaShTraviplave
raajadvaare shmashaane yatiShThati cha sa vaandhavaH
He who stands with, in good times, bad times, draught, riot, war, king's court and after death; is a real friend.
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परोक्षे कार्यहन्तारं प्रतक्षे प्रियवादिनम् ।
वर्जयेत्तादृशं मित्रं विषकुम्भं पयोमुखम् ॥
parokshe kaaryahantaara.n pratakshe priyavaadinam
varjayettaadRRisha.n mitra.n viShakumbha.n payomukham
The friend who talks sweet in front and does harm in the back, such friend must be left just like a pot of poison with cream of milk on top.
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जानीयात् प्रेषणे भृत्यान् वान्धवान् व्यसनागमे ।
मित्रं चापदि काले च भार्यां च विभवक्षये ॥
jaaniiyaat preShaNe bhRRityaan vaandhavaan vyasanaagame
mitra.n chaapadi kaale bhaarya.n cha vibhavakshNe
Revealed is truth of servant's loyality in time of work, friend's friendship in time of danger and bad time and wife's love in time of loss of wealth.
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दुर्जनः प्रियवादी च नैव विश्वाकारणम् ।
मधु तिष्ठति जिह्वाग्रे हृदये तु हलाहलम् ॥
durjanaH priyavaadii cha naiva vishvaakaaraNam
madhu tiShThati jihvaagre hRRidaye tu halaahalam
An evil person must never be trusted even if talks sweet. Because an evil person has sweet on tounge, but has a heart filled with poision.
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सर्पः क्रूरः खलः क्रूरः सर्पात् क्रूरतरः खलः ।
मन्त्रौषधिवशः सर्पः खलः केन निवार्यते ॥
sarpah kruuraH khalaH kruuraH sarpaat kruurataraH khalaH
mantrauShadhivashaH sarpaH khalaH kena nivaaryate
Snake is cruel and an evil person is also cruel, but an evil person is more cruel than a snake. Snake can be controlled by mantra and medicine, but how can an evil person be controlled?
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हस्ती हस्तसहस्रेण शतहस्तेन वाजिनः ।
शृङ्गिणो दशहस्तेन स्थानत्यागेन दुर्जनः ॥
hastii hastasahasreNa shatahastena vaajinaH
shRRiN^giNo dashahastena sthaanatyaagena durjanaH
A distance of a thousand hands in case of elephant, hundred hands for a horse, and ten hands for a cattle should be maintained. But, in case of an evil person one must leave the place.
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हस्ती अंकुशमात्रेण वाजि हस्तेन ताडयते ।
श्रुङ्गी लगुडहस्तेन खड्गहस्तेन दुर्जनः ॥
hastii a.mkushamaatreNa vaaji hastena taaDayate
shruN^gii laguDahastena khaDgahastena durjanaH
An elephant is controlled with a goud, a horse by beating with hand, a cattle with a stick, and an evil person with a sword strike.
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अधना धनमिच्छन्ति वाचं चैव चतुष्पदा: ।
मानवा: स्वर्गमिच्छन्ति मोक्षमिच्छन्ति देवता: ॥
adhanaa dhanamichchhanti vaacha.n chaiva chatuShpadaaH
maanavaaH svargamichchhanti mokshamichchhanti devataaH
Poor people desire wealth, power of speech animals wish for, humans desire heaven, Gods wish for 'mokshya'.
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अर्थनाशं मनस्तापं गृहे दुश्चरितानि च ।
वञ्चनं चापमानं च मतिमान् न प्रकाशयेत् ॥
arthanaasha.n manastaapa.n gRRihe dushcharitaani cha
vaJNchana.n chaapamaana.n cha matimaan na prakaashyet
Wise people do not talk about - loss of wealth, sadness in heart, family scandal, getting cheated, and insult.
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धनिकः श्रोत्रियो राज नदी वैद्यस्तु पञ्चमः ।
पञ्च यत्रनविद्यन्ते तत्र वासं न कारयेत् ॥
dhanikaH shrotriyo raaja nadii vaidyastu paJNcjamaH
paJNcha yatranavidyante tatra vaasa.n na kaarayet
Wealthy people, scholars, king, river and doctor; where these five are not there, one should not live in that place.
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यस्मिन् देशे न सम्मानं न प्रीतिर्न च वान्धवाः ।
न च विद्यागमः कश्चित् तं देशं परिवर्ज्जयेत् ॥
yasmin deshe na sammaana.n na priitirna cha vaandhavaaH
na cha vidyaagamaH kashchit ta.n desha.n pairovarjjayet
The country where people do not have respect or friends or love and where there are no scholars; one should leave that country.
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मनसा चिन्तितं कर्म वचसा न प्रकाशयेत् ।
अन्यलक्षितकार्यस्य यतः सिद्धिर्न जायते ॥
manasaa chintita.n karma vachasaa na prakaashayet
anyalakshitakaaryasya yataH siddhirna jaayate
One should not reveal work that has been planned in mind. Because if others know about the plan they will try to create problems in that.
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बृथा बृष्टि: समुद्रेषु बृथा तृप्तेषु भोजनम् ।
बृथा दानं धनाढेषु बृथा दीपो दिवाऽपि च ॥
bRRithaa bRRiShTiH samudreShu bRRithaa tRRipteShu bhojanam
bRRithaa daana.n dhanaaDheShu bRRithaa diipo divaa.api cha
Rain over ocen is meaningless, meaningless is feeding a well fed person, charity to a rich person is meaningless, meaningless is lighting lamp in daylight.
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दुष्टा भार्या शठं मित्रं भृत्यश्चोत्तरदायकः ।
ससर्पे च गृहे वासो मृत्युरेव न संशयः ॥
duShTaa bhaaryaa shaTha.n mitra.n bhRRityashchottaradaayakaH
sasarpe cha gRRihe vaaso mRRityureva na sa.nshayaH
The perosn who has a bad wife, a betrayer as a friend, a servant who answers, and a snake in house; undoubtly will die before time.
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ऋणशेषश्चाग्निशेषो व्याधिशेषस्तथैव च ।
पुनश्च वर्द्धते यस्मत्तस्माच्छेषं न रक्षयेत् ॥
RRiNasheShashchaagnisheSho vyaadhisheShastathaiva cha
punashcha varddhate yasmaattasmaachchheSha.n na rakshayet
Loan should be completely paid back, fire should be removed completely, and root of illness should be completely removed. Otherwise these three again grow up.
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नाऽस्ति मेघसमं तोयं नाऽस्ति चात्मसमं बलम् ।
नाऽस्ति चक्षुःसमं तेजो नाऽस्ति धान्यसमं प्रियम् ॥
naa.asti meghasama.n toya.n naa.asti chaatmasama.n balam
naa.asti chakshuHsams.n tejo naa.asti dhaanyasama.n priyam
No drink is better than rain water, no power is equal to will power, no light is brighter that vision of eyes, no wealth is more satisfying than food.
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कोकिलानां स्वरो रूपं नारीरूपं पतिव्रता ।
विद्यारूपं कुरूपाणां क्षमारूपं तप्स्वीनाम् ॥
kokilaanaa.n svaro ruupa.n naariiruupa.n pativrataa
vidyaaruupa.n kuruupaaNaa.n khsamaaruupa.n tapasviinaam
Cookoo's beauty is her voice, wife's beauty is her husband, knowledge is the beauty of ugly looking people and forgiveness is beauty of noble people. In other words external beauty is not the real beauty; inner beauty is the real beauty.
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अशोच्यः निर्द्धनःप्राज्ञोऽशोच्यः पण्डितवान्धवः ।
अशोच्या विधवा नारी पुत्र्पौत्रप्रतिष्ठिता ॥
ashochyaH nirddhanaH praadnyo.ashochyaH paNDitavaandhavaH
ashochyaa vidhavaa naarii putrapautrapratiShThitaa
Wise person does not regret even if he is poor, there is no reason to regret if friend is a wise one, a widow has no reason to regret if she has sons and grandsons. Because these people will alwyas live in happiness.
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अतिदर्पे हता लङ्का अतिमाने च कौरवाः ।
अतिदाने वलिर्वद्धः सर्वमत्यन्तगर्हितम् ॥
atidarpe hataa laN^kaa atimaane cha kauravaaH
atidaane valirbaddhaH sarvamatyantagarhitam
Lanka was destroyed because of too much pride of Ravana; Kaurabas were destroyed due to too much pride; Bali was bound because of too much giving; too much of everything is bad.
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सत्येन धार्यते पृथिवि सत्येन तपते रवि: ।
सत्येन वति वायुश्च सर्वं सत्ये प्रतिष्ठितम् ॥
satyena dhaaryate pRRithivi satyena tapate ravi
satyena vaati vaayushcha sarva.n satye pratiShThitam
By truth is held earth in its place, by truth is sun shining, by truth is air blown, everything is held by truth.
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दारिद्र्यनाशनं दानं शिलं दुर्गतिनाशनम् ।
अज्ञाननाशिनि प्रज्ञा भावना भयनाशीनि ॥
daaridryanaasana.n daana.n shila.n durgatinaashanam
adnyaananaashini pradnyaa bhaavana bhayanaashiini
Charity destroys poverty, good behavior destroys trouble, intelligence removes ignorance, worshipping God removes fear.
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जन्ममृत्यु हि यत्येको भुनक्त्येकः शुभाऽशुभम् ।
नरकेषु पतत्येक एको याति परां गतिम् ॥
janmamRRityu hi yatyeko bhuvanaktyekaH shubhaa.ashubham
narakeShu patatyeka eko yaati paraa.n gatim
A person comes to this world alone, he gets rewarded for good deeds alone, he alone gets punished for his wrong doings, and he departs this world all alone.
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वित्तेन रक्ष्यते धर्मो विद्या योगेन रक्ष्यते ।
मृदुना रक्ष्यते भूपः सस्त्रिया रक्ष्यते गृहम् ॥
bitena rakshyate dharmo vidhyaa yogena rakshyate
mRRitunaa bhuupaH sastriiyaa rakshyate gRRiham
'Dharma' is protected by money, education by practice, king is protected by politeness, home by good women.
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विद्या मित्रं प्रवसेषु भार्या मित्रं गृहेषु च ।
व्यधितस्यौषधं मित्रं धर्मो मित्रं मृतस्य च ॥
vidyaa mitra.n pravaseShu bhaaryaa mitra.n gRRiheShu cha
vyaadhitasyauShadha.n mitra.n dharmo mitra.n mRRitasya cha
Knowledge is a person's friend in foreign land, at home wife is the best friend, medicine is a sick person's friend, 'dharma' is the only friend after death.
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दुर्ल्लभं प्रकृतं वाक्यं दुर्ल्लभः क्षेमकृत् सुतः ।
दुर्ल्लभा सदृशी भार्या दुर्ल्लभः स्वजनप्रियः ॥
durllabha.n prakRRita.n durllabhaH kshemakRRit sutaH
durllabhaa sadRRishii bhaaryaa durllabhaH svajanapriyaH
Rare is truth and loving words, rare is a noble and respecting son, rare is a wife with same characters as self, and rare is a well wishing friend.
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शैले शैले न माणिक्यं मौक्तिकं न गजे गजे ।
साधवो नहि सर्वत्र चन्दनं न वने वने ॥
shaile shaile na maaNikya.n mauktika.n na gaje gaje
saadhavo nahi sarvatra chandana.n na vane vane
Not all mountains contain gems in them, nor does every elephant has pearl in it. noble people are not found everywhere, nor is sandlewood found in every forest.
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दुर्वलस्य वलं राजा वालानां रोदनं वलम् ।
वलं मूर्खस्य मौनित्वं चौराणामनृतं वलम् ॥
durvalasya vala.n raajaa vaalaanaa.n rodana.n valam
vala.n muurkhasya maunitva.n chauraaNaamanRRita.n valam
King is the power of powerless, crying is the power of children, silence is the power of fool and lie is power of thives.
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स्वदोतं मर्द्दितं चैव रज्जुभिः परिवेष्टितम् ।
मुक्तं द्वादशभिर्वषैः स्वपुच्छं प्रकृतिं गतम् ॥
svadeta.n marddita.n chaiva rajjubhiH pariveShTitam
mukta.n dvaadashibhirvaShaiH prakRRiti.n gatam
Massaging dog's tail with oil, keeping it straight with rope around it for twelve years does not make it straight. Similarly a persons natural behavior and characteristics can not be changed.
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न च विद्या समो वन्धुर्न च व्याधिसमो रिपुः ।
न चापत्यसमः स्नेहो न च दैवात्परं वलम् ॥
na cha vidyaa samo bandhurna cha vyaadhisamo ripuH
na chaapatyasamsH sneho na cha daivaatpara.n valam
There is no friend like knowledge, no enemy like desease, no love like love for son, and no power like God's power.
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शान्तितुल्यं तपो नास्ति न सन्तोषात्परं सुखम् ।
न तृष्णायाः परो व्यधिर्न च धर्मो दयापरः ॥
shaantitulya.n tapo naasti na santoShatpara.n sukham
na tRRiShNaayaaH paro vyaadhirna cha dharmo dayaaparaH
There is no penance better than peace, no happiness better than satisfaction, there is no desease worse than greed, and no better dharma than kindness.
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यथा चतुर्भि: कनकं परीक्ष्यते निघर्षणच्छेदनतापताडनौः ।
तथा चतुर्भि: पुरुष परीक्ष्यते त्यागेन शिलेन गुणेन कर्मणा ॥
yathaa chaturbhiiH kanaka.n nigharShaNachchhedanataapataaDanauH
tathaa chaturbhiH pariikshyate shilena guNena karmaNaa
The way gold's purity is tested by rubbing, cutting, heating and pounding, similarly, a person's quality is tested by gentleness, manners, habits and deeds.
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अभ्यासध्दार्यते बिद्या कुलं शिलेन धार्यते ।
गुणेन झायते त्वार्यः कोपो नेथेण गम्यते ॥
abhyaasadhhcaaryate biddyaa kula.n shilena dhaaryate
guNena dnyaayate tvaaryaH kopo nethena gamyate
Knowledge is maintained through practice, family's name by its credentials, a noble person is known by his good qualities, and a person's anger from his eyes.
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राजा राष्त्रकृतं भुंक्ते राझः पापं पुरोहितः ।
भर्ता च स्त्रीकृतं पापं शिष्यपापंगूरुस्तथा ॥
raajaa tasShTrakRRIta.n bhu.nkte raadnyaH paapa.n purohitaH
bhartaa cha striikRRita.n paapa.n siShyapaapa.n guuruustathaa
King is responsible for wrong doing of it's subjects, precepter for the wrong doings of the king, husband is responsible for his wife's faults, teacher for the disciple's fault.
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शुनः पुच्छमिव व्यर्थं जीवितं विद्यया विना ।
न गुह्यगोपने शक्तं न च दंशनिवारणे ॥
shunaH puchchhmiva vyartha jivita.n vidyayaa vinaa
na guhyagopane shakta.n na da.nshanivaaraNe
Life without education is as worthless as a dog's tail. It can neither hide dog's private parts nor can it ward off flies.
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न पश्यति च जन्मान्धः कामान्धो नैव पश्यति ।
न पश्यति मदोन्मतो ह्यर्थि दोषात् न पश्यति ॥
na pashyati cha janmaandhaH kaamaandhau naiva pashyati
na pashyati madomato hyaarthi doShaam na pashyati
A blind person can not see, nor can a person blinded by lust; person blinded by wealth can not see, nor does an arrogant see his faults.
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अघमा धनमिच्छन्ति धनं मानं च मध्यमाः ।
उत्तमा मानमिच्छन्ति माने हि महतां धनम् ॥
adhamaa dhnamishshhanti dhana.n maana.n cha madhyamaaH
uttamaa maanamichchhanti mane hi mahataa.n dhanam
Evil people wish for only wealth, whereas average people wish for wealth and fame. noble people wish for fame as only fame is their wealth.
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सन्तोषस्त्रिषु कर्तव्यः स्वदारे भोजने धने ।
त्रिषु चैव न कर्तव्योऽध्यने तपदानयोः ॥
One should be satisfied with three things that he already has - own wife, food and wealth. One should not be satisfied with three things - gaining knowledge, penance and charity.
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पुष्पे गन्धं तिले तैलं काष्ठेऽग्निं पयसि घृतम् ।
इक्षौ गुडं तथा देहे पश्यात्मानं विवेकतः ॥
puShpe gandha.n tile taila.n kaaShThe.agni.n payasi ghRRitam
ikshau giDa.n tathaa dehe pashyaatmaana.n vivekataH
Scent in flower, oil in seed, fire in wood, ghee in milk, sugar in sugarcan, and soul in body are not seen from outside.
-- ॐ --
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